Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Amour Et D'Extase

Si vous dites que vous etes sur votre chemin de retour de Venus,

S'il vous plait depecher afin que je puisse gouter votre voie lactee.

Permettez-moi de venir placer ma grand huit a travers les anneaux de votre saturn.

Comme je l'ai explorer votre trou noir.

Permettez-moi de vous emmener dans un voyage autour du monde,

Que je fais l'amour a vous tandis que vous atteignez les etoiles.

Et comme vous reposer amonst le pilier des etoiles,

Laisser mon rayon de lune briller sur vous la lune les eaux eclairees.

Et comme je consomme votre essence comme les tenebres consomme le ciel nocturne,

Je ne peux pas m'empecher de livrer dans ya mer de l'extase.

Votre essence commencent a pollinate ma toute existence.

Et comme ses ma liberation chene de la seve a l'interieur de votre tasse de lily,

Ta caresse petales est ma racine.

Oh combien j'aime votre nature.

Miguel “A Poetic State of Mind” Keaton


Love and Ecstasy

So you say you're on your way back from Venus,

Please hurry so I can taste your Milky Way.

Come let me place my Big Dipper through the rings of your Saturn,

As I explore your black hole.

Let me take you on a trip around the world,

As I make love to you while you reach for the stars.

And as you rest amongst the pillars of the stars,

Let my moon beam shine boldly upon your moon lit waters.

And as I consume your essence like the darkness consumes the night skies,

I can't help but to indulge into your sea of ecstasy.

Your essence begin to pollinate my every existence.

And as my oak tree releases it sap inside your lily cup,

Your petals caress's my root.

Oh how I love your nature.

Miguel “A Poetic State of Mind” Keaton

Un Poema De Amor Espanol

Por fin estamos solos, Y tengo a todos ustedes a mi mismo

Y la sola idea de estar a tu lado, Hace que mi vida a la virilidad.

Cuando te veo me quiero tocarte, Y mantener cerca de mi.

Peudes sentir el calor que hay dentro de mi,

Puedes sentir mi fuego y el deseo.

La pasion que tengo por ti es tan explosiva,

Ven a sentir mi irrupcion del volcan.

Venid a mi flujo de lava caliente dentro de ti.

Permita que sus jugos de ser mi lluvia que calma,

Anhelo que solo para empapar mi fuego.

Y es El sonido de tu voz,

Que alivia esta bestia salvaje, sexual, que esta dentro de mi.

Ven, se mi reina y yo sere su rey,

Y juntos vamos a gobernar esta tierra llamada para siempre

Y yo sere tu eternidad,

Y usted sere mi infinito.

Y juntos vamos a ir de la mano por este camino llamado bienaventuranza,

Nunca estar separados, pero siempre como un.

Miguel “A Poetic State of Mind” Keaton


A Spanish Love Poem

At last we are alone, and I have you all to myself,

And the mere thought of being next to you, makes my manhood come alive.

When I see you, I want to touch you and hold you close to me,

Can you feel the heat that's inside me?

Can you feel my fire and desire?

The passion I have for you is oh so explosive.

Come and feel my volcano's eruption.

Come let my warm lava flow inside of you.

Let your juices be my calming rain.

I crave only you to drench my fire.

And the sound of your voice,

That soothes the savage, sexual beast that is within me.

Come be my Queen and I'll be you King,

And together we will rule this land called forever.

And I will be your eternity,

And you will be my infinity.

And together we will go hand in hand, down this road called blissfulness,

Never to be apart, but always as one.

Miguel “A Poetic State of Mind” Keaton

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A Real Man

A Real Man

He is strong and firm, yet has a caring heart,

He may not be a book scholar, yet he is very smart.

His love for God is the rock for which he stands,

I'm talking about a real man.

He's a husband, brother and even a dad,

He can be the best friend you've ever had.

He is sometimes hated upon and often misunderstood,

Never meaning any harm, and in people he always look for the good.

He is a solemn fellow, humble and kind,

He's the type of man any woman would want to find.

But let it be known he can stand his grounds and speak his peace,

Yet he strays away from violence, and tries to keep the peace.

A man like this you may find it hard to understand,

For the man I speak of is known as a real man.

And he sometimes have to give in, even though he was right,

And to provide for his family, he will work all day and all night.

Even when he's sick or hurt, he still handles his business,

For the strong in him is what you'll see, and never his weakness.

And when you're a real man, it doesn't matter if you're white or black,

And if a real man get's knocked down, he'll stand up and get back on track.

To a real man, in this game called life, there is no losers or winners,

And a real man can ask God for forgiveness because he knows we're all sinners.

And it doesn't matter where the bottles spins or where it stops,

A real man will come from the bottom and always land on top.

Miguel “A Poetic State of Mind” Keaton